Factors Affecting the Storage Decision of Onion Farmers in Kinh Mon District, Hai Duong Province, Vietnam


Tran Thi Thuong and Isabelita M. Pabuayon


The study uses a survey of onion farmers in Kinh Mon District of Hai Duong
Province in Vietnam to examine the factors affecting farmers’ decision on whether to store onion in a short or long period of time. Results indicate that quantity of onion produced, ratio of price of onion after storage to price at harvest, storage cost, household income, experience of household head in onion storage, education level of household head and age of household head have significant effects on the onion farmers’ decision. The study offers the following recommendations: alternative drying method during the rainy days to reduce storage losses, a market information system to provide price information to farmers and training courses with field visits to progressive and best-practice farms to improve farmers’ storage practices.

Factors Affecting the Storage Decision of Onion Farmers in Kinh Mon District, Hai Duong Province, Vietnam